
Creating Doctolib’s biology experience from reception to prescription

Product design

July 2023


Creating Doctolib’s biology experience from reception to prescription

Product design

July 2023


Product Designer

Overal work

User Research,

Workshop organization



User testing



1 Product Manager

1 Engineering Manager

1 Data Scientist

1 Data Analyst

5 Developers

1 UX Researcher

1 UX Writer

Doctolib Practice is a practice management software for healthcare professionals. It offers features such as appointment scheduling, patient management, online booking, teleconsultation, and billing.


Why is biology crucial for practitioner?

By studying biology, doctors can develop a deeper understanding of how treatments and medications work and how to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions.

This knowledge helps doctors provide better patient care and improve overall health outcomes.

Business goals


Fill the gap versus the competition


Improve the NPS


Designing the right thing

Before jumping into the solution, I wanted to understand not only what the user lacked but also what would be the ideal experience. Since the feature didn’t quite exist, we focused first on qualitative research before and understood what the current flow would be like and how we could integrate this new feature as clean as possible.


Designing the right thing

Before jumping into the solution, I wanted to understand not only what the user lacked but also what would be the ideal experience. Since the feature didn’t quite exist, we focused first on qualitative research before and understood what the current flow would be like and how we could integrate this new feature as clean as possible.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Subjects raised by practitioners of the Doctolib community


Quantity of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


17 qualitative interviews with practitioners. 1 discovery workshop.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Subjects raised by practitioners of the Doctolib community


Quantity of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


17 qualitative interviews with practitioners. 1 discovery workshop.

Understanding the user flow

Receiving a biology doc

Reception doc in the inbox

Analysis of the doc

Annotating the doc

Classification in the patient file

Checking a biology history during consultation

Start consultation

Search for the biology doc

Look at the comment

Repeat to look for the evolution

Enter a biology result (almost never used due to painful UX)

Open a biometry in full page

Enter one value at a time

Checking the charts

Feedback analysis

Users don’t know about the existing biology solution

Documents are the only source of information

Focus on a few biological results

Rewriting the main biology result of a document

Feedback analysis

Users don’t know about the existing biology solution

Documents are the only source of information

Focus on a few biological results

Rewriting the main biology result of a document

User’s verbatims from interviews

We don’t remember the patient, we only remember the context if a consultation happened 48 hours ago. More than that and we won’t remember the patient

We don’t have time to write down all the information of each document in each patient’s file, we write down a comment linked to the biology and look at it when the patient’s in front of us.


Focusing on the right goal

Following the discovery phase we analyzed the existing data. We then defined the design challenge while also incorporating some of the main corrections for the existing feature.


Focusing on the right goal

Following the discovery phase we analyzed the existing data. We then defined the design challenge while also incorporating some of the main corrections for the existing feature.


No real biology data tracking

Doctolib lacked a solution to gather a patient’s biological information, creating some frustration when following a patient’s health.

Massive influx of data

A French practitioner receives, on average, 25 bio results each week, either sent by email by a lab or given by a patient in a paper form.

No normalized data

One observation can vary from one laboratory to the other. The label and units used can drastically decrease the clarity of the practitioner’s analysis.

Legal constraints

A lack of certification couldn’t allow us to provide certain key-features so we reduced to the most impactful ones first.


No real biology data tracking

Doctolib lacked a solution to gather a patient’s biological information, creating some frustration when following a patient’s health.

Massive influx of data

A French practitioner receives, on average, 25 bio results each week, either sent by email by a lab or given by a patient in a paper form.

No normalized data

One observation can vary from one laboratory to the other. The label and units used can drastically decrease the clarity of the practitioner’s analysis.

Legal constraints

A lack of certification couldn’t allow us to provide certain key-features so we reduced to the most impactful ones first.

The design challenge

How can we design a solution which creates a seamless experience for the practitioner to follow up on the key observation for a patient as well as structure the data with minimum effort?

How can we design a solution which creates a seamless experience for the practitioner to follow up on the key observation for a patient as well as structure the data with minimum effort?


Two main projects

Improve the current display when receiving a biology document & create a new way to display information


Two main projects

Improve the current display when receiving a biology document & create a new way to display information

First focus

Focus on the inbox

An unoptimized main page medical history experience

Lack of interaction with the patient file

Lack of interaction

with the patient file

Not enough information

Not enough


Adapting to the classification flow

Receiving a biology doc and analyzing it

Reception doc in the inbox

Analysis of the doc

Annotating the doc

Classification in the patient file

Checking biology history

Update the biology history

Features we focused on

UI Rework

Increase the number of items displayed for a quicker analysis of the document


Practitioners are following only a few important observations. Favorite will make them stand out allowing a quicker analysis for future results and in the patient file

Patient file’s overview

Reduce the number of actions to get a good overview of the patient’s health straight from the email.

Automatically integrate the data in the patient file

Practitioners can directly add the content of the biology result in the patient file.

A redesigned biology solution

Focus on the crucial value for the patient

Previous result

coming from the

patient’s file

Previous result from the

patient’s file

Value history graph

on click

Extract the data

Extract and add the biology data in the patient’s file

File the document in the patient’s file

Second focus

Focus on the biology & biometry page

A biometry-centered screen

Not customizable enough

Not customizable


Enter results one by one

Enter results

one by one

Change the global analysis of a patient’s biology

Checking the full biology history during the consultation

Start consultation

Search for the biology doc

Look at the comment

Check favorited biology results

Go to the biology section

Check the full biology history

Features we focused on

Chronologically organized

Get a first grasp of the last results and increase the usability.

Results organized as they are used to

They are used to the paper and what they have been taught.

Optimized navigation

Optimized navigation


Practitioners are following only specific observations. Favorite will make them stand out allowing a quicker analysis.

A global table





Differenciation Biology and Biometry


Biology and Biometry

Automatic codification

As we were only starting automatic codification
thanks to machine learning, we needed a way to
validate pre-entered codification.



Third focus

Focus on impact in consultation

A biometry-centered feature during consultation

Adding one info at a time

Adding one info

at a time

Biometry and biology at the same spot

Biometry and biology

at the same spot

Adapting to the consultations' needs

Check and add multiple biology results

Start consultation

See last biology results

Analyse with a chart

Open modale

Add several biology results

A new table during the consultation + batch adding

Last 2 results
+ history

Add several dates

and documents

Add several dates

and documents

Favorites always


Favorites always



A highly monitored beta-testing

During the beta testing, we were monitoring the feedbacks, solving the bugs, and following the codification suggestions.


A highly monitored beta-testing

During the beta testing, we were monitoring the feedbacks, solving the bugs, and following the codification suggestions.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Quantity of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


Followup interviews

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Quantity of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


Followup interviews

Outcome & reflect

A very positive experience overall

1 particular information gave us trouble since it was possible to find it both in the blood testing and urine. However, after monitoring it for a few weeks, we finally were able to solve the problem.

Outcome & reflect

A very positive experience overall

1 particular information gave us trouble since it was possible to find it both in the blood testing and urine. However, after monitoring it for a few weeks, we finally were able to solve the problem.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Perfect match rate on top 500 most present medical data observations.




Biology result imported in a patient’s file

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Perfect match rate on top 500 most present medical data observations.




Biology result imported in a patient’s file

User’s verbatims from interviews

The biology is nice, I don’t think a lot of softwares are doing this.

Personally, I like the new layout: less scrolling, the option of choosing the unit, and still the option of adding favourites.

Thanks to the developers for making it possible to change the unit for a particular variable (mmol/l blood glucose in gr/l for example) and, what's more, the change is memorised! Super

Before, blood test results were unclear and hard to understand. Now, with the new analysis system, it's easier to get a comprehensive understanding of the results. It’s more intuitive.


I would like to share with you that this project was my first introduction to Machine Learning and the concept of providing suggestions to users.

This experience led to some interesting conversations within our team about the magic of "AI" as well as how the user can correct it if there are any errors in the results.

Over the course of 6 months, I was able to learn the importance of launching early, continuously improving, and always keeping the user's satisfaction in mind by some delighting improvements on top of the main project.

Start designing without AI as a parameter

When starting designing, my main goal was to simply start designing as if AI was not part of the final solution.
This led to a feature the user had control over before having to take

Big sprints, small delights

We had to divide the full project into different sprints, that we could then beta test. When a big chunk of feature was launched, we would monitor while increasing the delight by adding some small, awaited feature here and there.