Medical History

Creating the best medical history experience for practitioners at all stages of the consultation.

Product design

Dec 2023

Medical History

Creating the best medical history experience for practitioners at all stages of the consultation.

Product design

Dec 2023


Product Designer

Overal work

User Research,

Workshop organization



User testing



1 Product Manager

1 Engineering Manager

1 Data Scientist

1 Data Analyst

5 Developers

1 UX Researcher

1 UX Writer

Doctolib Practice is a practice management software for healthcare professionals. It offers features such as appointment scheduling, patient management, online booking, teleconsultation, and billing.

Doctolib Practice is a practice management software for healthcare professionals. It offers features such as appointment scheduling, patient management, online booking, teleconsultation, and billing.


Why is medical history crucial for practitioner?

Medical histories are all the records of information about a person's health, they’re required to formulate a diagnosis and provide a good medical care to the patient.

Those information can be pathologies, surgical history, allergies, lifestyle observation and family history.

Business goals


Increase codification rate of Medical History for future features


Increase the use by practitioners


Improve the NPS


Designing the right thing

Medical history is different for each patient but it is also analyzed differently based on the practitioner’s specialty.We had to do a lot of qualitative research based on the different specialist that are using the feature to figure out the right way to have the best impact right from the start.


Designing the right thing

Medical history is different for each patient but it is also analyzed differently based on the practitioner’s specialty.We had to do a lot of qualitative research based on the different specialist that are using the feature to figure out the right way to have the best impact right from the start.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Subjects raised by practitioners of the Doctolib community


Number of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


35 interviews with generalists, cardiologists, gynecologists.

Interviews and existing feedbacks


Subjects raised by practitioners of the Doctolib community


Number of messages exchanged with practitoners of the community over the beta test


35 interviews with generalists, cardiologists, gynecologists.

Understanding the user flow

Add a new history

Start consultation

Open full page

Add a new item

Check/edit an existing history

Start consultation

Open full page

Consult and add an item

Feedback analysis

A feature not adapted to the practitioner’s flow

A practitioner would use the medical history first thing before and during the consultation. They would update each item with every new information

Lack of flexibility in the medical history organization

The UX was mainly used for Biometry information so the UX was poor for Biology where you need to enter a lot of information.

Lack of incentive for codification

Practitioners are facing an unwanted referential and a way to codify not flexible enough.On top of that, the lack of incentive doesn’t incete them to have a structured medical history for their patients.

Feedback analysis

A feature not adapted to the practitioner’s flow

A practitioner would use the medical history first thing before and during the consultation. They would update each item with every new information

Lack of flexibility in the medical history organization

The UX was mainly used for Biometry information so the UX was poor for Biology where you need to enter a lot of information.

Lack of incentive for codification

Practitioners are facing an unwanted referential and a way to codify not flexible enough.On top of that, the lack of incentive doesn’t incete them to have a structured medical history for their patients.

User’s verbatims from interviews

For a patient who has been followed for several years, the list of medical conditions can be long, and if cancer is discovered today, entering the medical history will put it at the very end, whereas it will be the most important medical condition for months and perhaps for life, and it should be at number 1!

It would be nice to be able to classify the medical history as we see fit afterwards. In general we classify from the most important to the least important.

I go to see and interact with the medical history section systematically during the consultation.


Focusing on the right goal

Following the discovery phase and after analyzing some of the data that we had, we defined the design challenge while also incorporating some of the main corrections that we would have to do to the current feature.

Feedback analysis

Not adapted to the consultation flow

The practitioner only had one way to edit or add information to the medical history, in the main page. This wouldn’t allow practitioner to edit the information while doing the consultation at the same time.

A bad codification experience

Codification is essential for the seamless use of information across the entire product. However, the current method has a negative impact, discouraging users from implementing it.

Difficult hierarchisation

The two features used to highlight and reorganize the list of medical history had poor discoverability and were too rigid.

A not scallable feature

The current design hinders quick improvements, additions, or modifications. Progress cannot continue without a clear vision for the future.

Feedback analysis

Not adapted to the consultation flow

The practitioner only had one way to edit or add information to the medical history, in the main page. This wouldn’t allow practitioner to edit the information while doing the consultation at the same time.

A bad codification experience

Codification is essential for the seamless use of information across the entire product. However, the current method has a negative impact, discouraging users from implementing it.

Difficult hierarchisation

The two features used to highlight and reorganize the list of medical history had poor discoverability and were too rigid.

A not scallable feature

The current design hinders quick improvements, additions, or modifications. Progress cannot continue without a clear vision for the future.

The design challenge

How can we improve the medical history solution to creates a seamless experience for the practitioner and help structure the data for the future of the software?

How can we improve the medical history solution to creates a seamless experience for the practitioner and help structure the data for the future of the software?


Two main projects

Fix the current feature & create a new way to display information


Two main projects

Fix the current feature & create a new way to display information

First focus

Fixing the main page

Fixing the main page

An unoptimized main page medical history experience

Not possible to reorganize

Low discoverability and practicality of the highlight section

Features we focused on


Practitioners are following only a few important medical observations. Favorite will make them stand out allowing a quicker analysis.

Drag and reorder

Allowing them to organize each items as they want.


Improve the codification rate by easing its flow and make it adaptable to the practitioner’s flow.

A clearer display mode



A clearer edit mode

An unoptimized main page medical history experience

Freetext for flexibility


for flexibility

Codification for structuration


for structuration

Favorites and Drag & Reorder

Second focus

Improve the flow during consultation

Improve the flow during consultation

A display only left column

Lack of readibility on hover

Lack of readibility

on hover


Navigation to the full

page not allowing to edit


to the full

page not allowing

to edit

Features we focused on

Drag and reorder from left column

Drag and reorder were implemented in the full page, it is now available from the left column.

Favorites from the left column

Previously in the popover, now will be available from the left column.

Add & edit from popover

The popover allows to edit or add an item without leaving the consultation page.

Codification and freetext

Previously user had to make a choice between structured or free-text. We designed this feature to allow them to structure their data as they wish, with the freedom to write whatever they want in the left column.

Impact the medical history from consultation

Final view

Third focus

Improve codification

Improve codification

A Rigide codification flow

Not possible to have codification

and free text

Not possible

to have codification

and free text

Improve the codification with suggestions

By using suggestions, we improved discoverability of the feature
on top of reducing, helping keep the free text version of the condition
and reducing the number of actions the practitioner has to do.

Codify in one click


in one click

Edit the suggestion

and improve

machine learning

Edit the


& improve

machine learning


A highly monitored beta-testing

During the beta testing, we were monitoring the feedbacks, solving the bugs, and following the codification suggestions.


A highly monitored beta-testing

During the beta testing, we were monitoring the feedbacks, solving the bugs, and following the codification suggestions.

Outcome & reflect

A very positive experience overall

1 particular information gave us trouble since it was possible to find it both in the blood testing and urine. However, after monitoring it for a few weeks, we

Outcome & reflect

A very positive experience overall

1 particular information gave us trouble since it was possible to find it both in the blood testing and urine. However, after monitoring it for a few weeks, we

After a few months of use


Codification acceptance


Increase in the number of item added to the medical history.


The part of items added or edited with the popover in 4 months.

After a few months of use


Codification acceptance


Increase in the number of item added to the medical history.


The part of items added or edited with the popover in 4 months.

User’s verbatims from interviews

I was waiting for this (drag and reorder) for so long ! It was driving me crazy

It's great!
I can't say enough about it, except that I can't wait for the rest of the medical history and allergies to arrive ;)

Drag and reorder and comment editing from the left-hand column is SUPER!

What a step forward! This is typically the kind of feature that helps us in our day-to-day lives, because it removes unnecessary mental automatisms.


This project initially focused on medical history but as it progressed, it helped uncover the non-linear approach to consultation as a practitioner.

I prioritized flexibility when designing this feature, allowing practitioners to view, add, and modify conditions anytime, anywhere.

Feedback received emphasized the requirement for the same approach to be applied to other categories, including prescriptions, prevention, and more.

Don’t design only for the main goal, think of its scalability and what’s around

The more users would test the solution, the more they would ask for the same logic on all items from the left column. The project helped discover a need outside of the medical history that can be applied anywhere.

Designing for business without harming the UX

As codification wasn’t easily understandable for practitioners, we tried to add some delight by suggesting a codification without adding too much work.

This allowed practitioner to keep their way of displaying information while benefitting from codification on the rest of the app.